

http://www.sina.com.cn  2004年07月09日 11:47   

  I. 照例子把下面的句子改为缩写形式。

  例:I am new .→I’m new .

  (1)You are welcome .

  (2)Who is the man ?

  (3)What is that ?

  (4)That is Helen .

  (5)He is Wanghai .

  II. 选择填空

  1. ________ your name ?

  A. WhatB. What’s

  2. ________ are you ?

  A. HowB. What

  3. Who’s the ________ ? She’s my mother .

  A. womanB. man

  4. ________ Christmas to you !

  A. HappyB. Merry

  5. My name ________ Jane .

  A. areB. is

  III. 将B栏中适合A栏内容的答语用线连起来。

  A                    B

  1. What’s your name ?      a. Yes , I am .

  2. Are you Mr. Green ?      b. My name is Tom .

  3. Who’s that ?          c. She’s my mother .

  4. Who’s she ?          d. That’s Helen .

  5. Who’s he ?          e. He’s Wanghai .

  A                    B

  1. Thank you .          a. Fine . thank you .

  2. Happy Birthday .        b. Six .

  3. Happy New year .        c. My friend , Tom .

  4. How are you ?          d. The same to you .

  5. How old are you ?       e. Thank you .

  6. Who’s he ?          f. You’re welcome .

  IV. 按实际情况回答:

  1. What’s your name ?

  2. Are you a girl ?

  3. How old are you ?

  4. Are you in Grade 3 ?

  5. How are you ?

  VI. 智力题,填入one-five,并使纵向和相等。



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