

http://www.sina.com.cn  2004年08月10日 11:43   

  学科:英语 年级:三年级 编稿老师:贾利华 期数:3425


  VI. 把对话补充完整。

  1. What _____ your name ? _____ name is Tom .

  2. How are you ?

  _____ , _________ .

  3. I _____ Jane . I ______ ten . My father ______ a doctor .

  I _____ Jack . I ______ nine . My father ______ a teacher .

  4. _____ Kate and Betty classmates ?

  Yes , they _____ .

  5. Here _____ a gift for you .

  Thank _____ .

  VII. 选择填空。

  1. A: Good afternoon !

  B: Good ________ !

  A. afternoon B. evening C. morning

  2. A: How old are you ?

  B: I’m _______ .

  A. nine B. fine C. nice

  3. A: ______ is that over there ?

  B: It’s a cat .

  A. Who B. What C. Where

  4. A: Here is a book for you .

  B: Thanks _______ .

  A. you B. lot C. a lot

  5. A: Who’s your father’s father ?

  B: My _______ .

  A. grandma B. granny C. grandpa

  6. A: Merry Christmas to you !

  You ______ .

  A. same B. to C. too

  7. December (十二月) 25 is _______ .

  A. New Year B. Christmas Day

  C. Thanksgiving Day

  VIII. 按实际情况回答。

  1. What’s your name ?

  2. How old are you ?

  3. What’s your best (最好的) friend’s name ?

  4. How old is he / she ?



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