

http://www.sina.com.cn  2004年10月22日 10:49  新浪少儿 

  Once upon a time, there was a girl called Jessy. Her house was full of her toys. One day her mother brought her shopping, on the way to Shopping Center, they passed a toy shop and walked inside.

  Suddenly, Jessie stopped and stared at a doll which had long pink hair, and a cute fair face and deep purple eyes under the long eyelashes. It looked as if it was blinking at her! What a beautiful doll Jessy thought. She begged her mother to buy it for her, but her mother refused and said: “you have so many toys at home and you don’t need that.” Jessy was very sad, she began to cry as her mother dragged her out. The only thing she could do was to turn her head and stare at the doll.

  That night, Jessy fell asleep in tears, and dreamt that the beautiful doll was in her room and playing with her. How happy she felt, they had a wonderful time. Soon it was dawn, the doll said: “I have to go now,” “No”, said Jessy hugging the doll tightly. The doll continued “If someone finds me here, then I could not come again. I will leave you a strand of my pink hair to remember me.” Then the doll went back to the toy shop.

  When Jessy woke up, she had a smile on her face. And she saw a strand of pink hair on her hand.



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