

http://www.sina.com.cn  2005年06月03日 10:30   

  学科:英语(人教版) 年级:三年级 编稿老师:于红梅 期数:4540


  what is it is it a bag yes

  What is it? Is it a bag? Yes. (用英文格书写)


  ( T ) 1. black apple( T ) 2. ten red

  ( T ) 3. robot nose( F ) 4. pull cup

  ( F ) 5. bin white( T ) 6. leaf bee


  1. book pencil rubber

  2. grandmother brother mother

  3. zebra chick rabbit

  4. ladybird bee butterfly

  5. apple banana pear


  (A)1. _____ is the dog? It’s under the tree.

  A. WhereB. HowC. What

  (B)2. There is ______ in my room.

  A. deskB. a deskC. desks

  (C)3. I have _____ aunt. She _____ a son.

  A. a…. hasB. an … haveC. an… has

  (B)4. What do _____ like? They like fish.

  A. PeterB. catsC. we

  (B)5. _____ is that coat? It’s _____.

  A. Who… myB. Whose… hisC. Who… our

  (C)6. Look at the book and listen to ____.

  A. myB. hisC. me

  (C)7. It’s windy and cold, please put on your ____, Ben.

  A. skirtB. shirtC. gloves

  (B)8. What ______ they? Dogs.

  A. isB. areC. am

  (A)9. That’s ______ green umbrella.

  A. aB. an C. /

  (B)10. How many ______ on the table?

  A. peachB. peachesC. peachs


  (F)1. 想知道那是什么东西,可问:What’s this?

  (F)2. 当营业员给你东西时,你应该说:Here you are.

  (T)3. 告诉别人你很瘦,你说:I’m very thin.

  (F)4. 你指着树上的叶子问:Are they roots?

  (F)5. 你想知道小鸟的颜色,可问:What color is a bird?

  (F)6. 想问这把尺是不是李先生的,可问他:Is this Mr. Li’s ruler?

  (T)7. 告诉别人你的脚好大,可说:My foot is big.

  (F)8. 告诉别人Peter有一辆玩具车,可说:Peter, I have a toy car.

  (F)9. 想知道对方有什么感觉,可问:How does it fell?

  (F)10. 告诉别人太阳又大又红,可说:A sun is red and big.


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