
1 花生在哪儿(2)

http://www.sina.com.cn  2007年11月05日 19:49  湖北少年儿童出版社 


  One summer day in Frog Creek, Pennsylvania, a mysterious tree house appeared in the woods.

  Eight-year-old Jack and his seven-year-old sister, Annie, climbed into the tree house. They found it was filled with books.

  Jack and Annie soon discovered that the tree house was magic. It could take them to the places in the books. All they had to do was to point to a picture and wish to go there.

  Jack and Annie visited the times of dinosaurs, knights, pyramids, pirates, and ninjas. Along the way, they discovered that the tree house belongs to Morgan le Fay. Morgan is a magical librarian from the time of King Arthur. She travels through time and space, gathering books.

  In their last adventure, Night of the Ninjas, Jack and Annie learned that Morgan was under a spell. To free her, Jack and Annie have to find four special things.

  In old Japan, they found the first thing:a moonstone.

  Now Jack and Annie are about to set out in search of the second thing.

  ..in Afternoon on the Amazon.

  1 Where’s Peanut?

  “Hurry, Jack!” shouted Annie.

  Annie ran into the Frog Creek woods.

  Jack followed her.

  “It’s still here!” Annie called.

  Jack caught up with Annie.She stood beside a tall oak tree.

  Jack looked up. The magic tree house was shining in the afternoon sunlight.

  “We’re coming, Peanut!” Annie called.

  She grabbed the rope ladder and started up.

  Jack followed.They climbed and climbed. Finally they climbed into the tree house.

  “Peanut?” said Annie.

  Jack took off his backpack. He looked around.

  Sunlight slanted across a stack of books—books about ninjas, pirates, mummies, knights, and dinosaurs.

  The letter M shimmered on the wooden floor. M for Morgan le Fay.

  “I don’t think Peanut’s here,” said Jack.

  “I wonder where she is,” said Annie.

  “How do you know Peanut’s a she?” asked Jack.

  “I just know it,” said Annie.

  “Oh, brother,” said Jack.


  Annie laughed. “Look, Jack!”

  A small pink sock was moving across the floor. Yesterday Annie had turned her sock into a bed for Peanut.

  Annie picked up the tiny lump.


  A brown-and-white mouse peeked out of the sock. She looked from Annie to Jack with her big eyes.

  Jack laughed. “Hi, Peanut,” he said.

  “Will you help us again today?” asked Annie.

  In old Japan, Peanut had helped them when they’d gotten lost.

  “We have to find three more things for Morgan,” said Annie.

  Jack pushed his glasses into place. “First we have to find a clue that tells us where to begin,” he said.

  “Guess what,” said Annie.

  “What?” said Jack.

  “We don’t have to look very far.” She pointed at a corner of the tree house.

  In the shadows was an open book.

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