

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年02月18日 14:07  巨人网 


  I.Choose the correct words for the sentences。(选择正确的词填空)

  1. Jane ____at six every morning。

  A. wake B. wake up C. wakes up

  2. Sally is ____. She cant get the book on the top of the bookcase。

  A. hungry B. tall;C. short

  3. You need to go sailing。

  A. ship B. glasses C. bag

  4. Which is colder, the ice-cream or the hamburger?

  The ____ is colder。

  A. icecream B. hamburger

  5.Who is the oldest of the three? ___。

  A. grandfather B. father C. me

  6. I cant hear you. Please read it ___。

  A. carefully B. loudly C. qucikly

  II. Read and choose the right answer. (阅读并选择正确的答案)

  1. Whats wrong with you?

  A. I have a headache. B.I dont like beans C. Is there any wrong with you?

  2. Whats the weather like today?

  A. Its Sunday today. B. Its sunny. C. Its late outside。

  3. Where is Tom going?

  A. Hes watching TV. B. He can do it. C. Hes going to his school。

  4. Is that camera yours?

  A. I often take pictures for my friends。

  B. No, it isnt. Mine is there。

  C. My camera is in your hand。

  III. Translate sentences into English(中译英)



  IV. Translate sentences into Chinese. (英译中)

  1.Would you like some apples?

  Yes, Id like to。

  2.I like singing but he likes dancing。

  V. Read the story then answer the question. (读下面故事,然后回答问题)

  Last week Bill went shopping with his sisters Jane and his aunt Jill. They went to the bank and then they went to the market. Aunt Jill bought some fruit-mangoed and apples. Bill wanted coconuts, but there werent any. Aunt Jill bought some ice creams. She had one, Jane had one, but Bill had two。


  1. When did Bill go shopping?

  2. How many people went shopping?

  3. Where did they go first?

  4. What kind of fruit did Aunt Jill buy?

  5. What did they all eat?

  6. Who had one ice cream?


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