

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年02月19日 15:17  巨人网 







There is an apple tree in the yard of Mikes house. There are a lot of apples on the tree. Theyre big, red, and sweet. One day, Mike wants to get an apple because he likes eating apples very much, but hes too short. So he puts a chairs under the tree. He wants stand on the chair to get the apple, but he still cant get it. His brother comes up to help him. He gets two apples. One is for Mike, the other one is for himself. Mike is very happy。

( ) 1. An apple tree is ______。

A. near Mikes house         B. behind Mikes house

C. in Mikes yard            D. in Mikes room

( ) 2. Mike ____. So he wants to get an apple。

A. is hungry             B. is tall          C. very happy      D. likes eating apples。

( ) 3. Mike puts a chair under the tree because_____。

A. he is too short to get the apple    B. he wants to stands on it

C. his brother asks him to do that     D. he is tired

( ) 4. His brother gets ____at last(最后)

A. one apple    B. two apples   C. three apples   D. nothing

( ) 5. Is Mike very happy at the end? _____

   A. Yes, he is   B. No, he isnt   C. Yes, it is





Last week Bill went shopping with his sister Jane and his aunt Mary. They went to the bank first and then they went to the market. Aunt Mary bought some fruit---grapes and apples. Bill wanted coconuts, but there weren't any. Aunt Mary bought some ice creams. She had one, Jane had one, but Bill had two ice creams, Bill was very happy。


1. How many people went shopping?


2 Where did they go first?


3. What kind of fruit did Aunt Mary buy?


4. Who had two ice creams?


5. Was Bill very happy?



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