

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年02月19日 17:13  巨人网 


  一、1. A, what is the panda doing? B. It’s walking。

  2. A. What is the kangaroo doing? B. It’s jumping。

  3. A. what are the lions doing? B. They are fighting。

  4. A. What are the monkeys doing? They are swinging。

  二、1. park  star  vase  late

  2. north   work   small   sports

  3. snow   slow    now   low

  4. smoke   home   OK   son

  5. write   swing    swim    drink

  6. clean    see    great     speak

  三、1. Chen Jie is running at school。

  2. The elephants are playing in the zoo。

  3. The monkey is swinging in the tree。

  4. His dad is swimming in the lake。

  5. Wu Yifan likes singing on Sundays。

  6. The birds are flying in the sky。

  四、A: Look at the tiger. It’s big。

  B: What is it doing?

  A: It’s eating meat. It’s hungry。

  B: Look at that baby panda. It’s so cute. It’s sleeping。

  A: What about the mother panda? What is she doing?

  B: She’s eating bamboos。

  A: Do you see any elephants? I love elephants。

  B: Yes. Look there. That elephant is drinking water with its trunk。

  五、1. The monkey is fighting。

  2. The bird is singing。

  3. The bear is sleeping。

  4. The elephant is drinking water。

  5. The tiger is walking。

  6. The panda is eating。


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