
外研社Module1 Unit1 Unit2模拟试题

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年03月18日 16:40  101远程教育网 



  1. I teach English in a junior high school。

  2. I study English every day。

  3. I pass by the post office every morning。

  4. I read and write both English and Chinese every day。

  5. I have two sisters and one brother。

  6. I go to school and come home on a bicycle every day。

  7. I wash my hands before I eat something。

  8. I don't know her very well。

  9. I always try my best when I am told to do something。

  10. On weekdays I always get up at 6:00 . Then I do my bed, brush my teeth, wash my face, and get everything ready in half an hour. At 6:30 I have my breakfast with my parents and sisters and leave for school at 6:50。


  (be, begin, belong, cook, cry, do, feel, go, have, help, keep , make, mean, rain, understand )

  1. My father (1)______ to work by bus every morning 。

  2. (2)______ you (3)______ what (4)______?

  3. The summer vacation usually (5) ______ on July 1 in most schools。

  4. We often (6)______ swimming in summer。

  5. A baby (7)______ when it (8)______ hungry。

  6. Everyone (9)______ happy and (10) ______ a good time during the Chinese New Year。

  7. In autumn it (11)______ not (12)______ very often in this part of the country。

  8. The two little cats (13)______ to my aunt. She (14)______ them as her pets。

  9. In my family, my mother always (15)______ the meals and my father (16)______ the dishes. But when they (17)______ very busy, I often (18)______ them in the kitchen。

  10. My bicycle often (19)______ some strange noises, I wonder if something (20)______ wrong with it。




  (1)goes   (2)Do      (3) understand       (4)to mean       (5)begins

  (6)go      (7)cries      (8)feels        (9)feels          (10)has   

  (11)does    (12)rain   (13)belongs        (14)keeps       (15)cooks  

  (16)helps   (17)are    (18)cooks           (19)makes      (20)is



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