
三年级英语:Unit four学习指导

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年04月17日 09:58  101远程教育网 

  一 教学重点与难点分析:

  1. Let’s review the words together:

  grapes hamburger honey ice cream juice jam

  2. Let’s read the sentences :

  A: Hi, Peter! Do you like grapes?

  B: No, I don’t. I like bananas. What about you?

  A: I like grapes。

  B: You like grapes. I like bananas。

  A: Yang Ming, do you like juice?

  B: No, I don’t. I like ice cream。

  A: OK. An ice cream, please。

  C: All right. Here you are。

  B: Thank you。

  I like bread, but I don’t like hamburgers 。

  3. Let’s make some letter cards:

  Prepare some hard paper, some markers and pencil。

  Part one

  Draw a big letter J (use your pencil)

  Part two

  Draw pictures on it。

  Part three

  Colour it。

  4. 学音标:


  ay 在重读音节中发/ei/

  al 在辅音字母k, l前发

  在f 前发[a:]

  5. Listen and sing:

  Do you like grapes?

  Do you like grapes? Do you like grapes? Yes, I do .Yes, I do. Can I have some grapes? Can I have some grapes? Here you are. Here you are。

  I have paper, but I don’t have glue

  I have paper, but I don’t have glue。

  I have paper, but I don’t have glue。

  I have paper, but I don’t have glue。

  I don’t have paper but I have some glue。

  I have some paper. I have some glue。

  I want some paper. I want some glue。

  Let’s share the paper, share the glue。

  You can have my paper. You can have my glue。


  1. 下列哪些名词复数变化正确:

  A. booksB. boxsC. familiesD. men



  2. 找出画线部分读音不同的那个:

  A. thoseB. don’tC. helloD. sorry




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