
三年级英语:Unit four试题答案

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年04月17日 10:01  101远程教育网 



  1. in your bag :book pen ruler marker

  2. in your school :classroom desk teacher classmate

  3. some fruits : apple grape orange pear

  4. something you like :hamburger rice flowers animals


  (A)1. ____ the dog small? Yes, it ____。

  A. Is … isB. Is …areC. Is…am

  (C)2. Would you want some ____? Yes, please。

  A. cakeB. \C. ice-cream

  (C)3. Look at ____ sun. It’s red。

  A. \B. aC. the

  (A)4. Hi, _____ your grandfather。

  A. he’sB. they’reC. you’re

  (B)5. This is a nurse. ____ my sister。

  A. He’sB. She’sC. You’re

  (A)6. ____ you hungry?

  A. AreB. areC. Do

  (B)7. Hi, where is your mother? She is with _____。

  A. IB. me C. my

  (A)8. _____ orange, please?

  A. AnB. \C. A

  (B)9. Who’s ____ father? The man in gray。

  A. youB. yourC. you are

  (A)10. They go _____ a picnic in spring。

  A. forB. on C. to

  (A)11. Are you Mr. Frank? Yes, ____。

  A. I amB. we areC. you are

  (C)12. What shape is it? It’s a ____。

  A. greenB. goodC. square。


  1. my english teacher

  my English teacher

  2. hello i am kitty wang

  Hello! I am Kitty Wang。

  3. is the tall man mr black no he is mr smith

  Is the tall man Mr. Black? No, he’s Mr. Smith。


  1. Who’s your English teacher?


  2. Do you like English?

  Yes, I do。

  3. What can you do?

  I can run。

  4. Touch your hand. How does it feel?

  It feels soft。

  5. What’s the weather like?

  It’s cloudy。

  6. Is your classroom big?

  Yes, it is。

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