

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年04月22日 14:32  101远程教育网 

  一. 找出划线部分读音不同的词。

  (    ) 1.A. get      B. mend     C. she       D. help

  (    ) 2.A. me       B. left       C. let       D. leg

  (    ) 3.A. English   B. yellow    C. seven     D. dress

  (    ) 4.A. leaf      B. of        C. for       D. from

  (    ) 5.A. age      B. large      C. orange    D. girl

  二. 词形转换

  1.different _________(反义词)          2.factory __________(复数)

  3.study __________(过去分词)         4.driver _________(动词)

  5.see __________(同音词)             6.fat _________(反义词)

  三. 为短文排序

  (    )Lucy , could you help me, please ? I want to get some notebooks。

  (    ) Are they new?

  (    ) No, I can carry it 。

  (    )Yes, Mr . Zhang . How many are there?

  (    ) About fifty-five 。

  (    )Yes, they’re our new reading books. Is the box too heavy ?

  (    ) Good. Put it on the small table , please 。

  四. 阅读理解

  This is Wang Li and this is Sam . Wang Li is twelve . Sam is eleven . They are in the same class. And they are in the same row, too. They are not twins . Wang Li is a Chinese boy. Sam is an American boy. They’re good friends . Their teacher is Miss Zhao . They are in Class 3。

  1. Wang Li and Sam are __________。

  A. students    B. Chinese     C. twins     D. teachers

  2. Sam isn’t __________. He’s ________。

  A. an English boy, an American boy

  B. a boy, a girl

  C. a Chinese boy, English

  D. an American, an English

  3. Sam and Wang Li are in_______ class。

  A. the same     B. different     C. same    D. two


  一. 找出划线部分读音不同的词。

  (  C  ) 1.A. get       B. mend     C. she      D. help

  (  A  ) 2.A. me       B. left       C. let       D. leg

  (  A  ) 3.A. English   B. yellow     C. seven    D. dress

  (  B  ) 4.A. leaf      B. of        C. for       D. from

  (  D  ) 5.A. age      B. large      C. orange    D. girl

  二. 词形转换

  1.different same_(反义词)          2.factory _factories__(复数)

  3.study _studied_(过去分词)        4.driver _drive_(动词)

  5.see __sea__(同音词)             6.fat _thin_(反义词)

  三. 为短文排序

  (  1  )Lucy , could you help me, please ? I want to get some notebooks。

  (  4  ) Are they new?

  (  6  ) No, I can carry it 。

  (  2  ) Yes, Mr . Zhang . How many are there?

  (  3  ) About fifty-five 。

  (  5  ) Yes, they’re our new reading books. Is the box too heavy ?

  (  7  ) Good. Put it on the small table , please 。

  四. 阅读理解

  This is Wang Li and this is Sam . Wang Li is twelve . Sam is eleven . They are in the same class. And they are in the same row, too. They are not twins . Wang Li is a Chinese boy. Sam is an American boy. They’re good friends . Their teacher is Miss Zhao . They are in Class 3。

  (  A  ) 1. Wang Li and Sam are __________。

  A. students    B. Chinese     C. twins     D. teachers

  (  A  ) 2. Sam isn’t __________. He’s ________。

  A. an English boy , an American boy

  B. a boy , a girl

  C. a Chinese boy , English

  D. an American , an English

  (  A  ) 3. Sam and Wang Li are in_______ class。

  A. the same     B. different     C. same    D. two



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