

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年06月05日 09:29  巨人网 

  无论是平时,还是英语口语考试之中,时常都会出现用词不对,或者说法不地道,造成误解或者不解的现象。那么我们就有必要换一种说法解释清楚,让人明白。 看下面这组对话:

  Mark: "English is a very easy language to learn."

  Susan: "What do you mean?"

  Mark: "Well, what I meant to say was that it's easy if you practice every day."

  Susan: "Oh, right."


  1. 重组语句,换一种说法。

  "What I meant to say was..."

  "Let me rephrase that..."

  "Let me put this another way..."

  "Perhaps I'm not making myself clear..."

  2. 从头再说一次。

  "If we go back to the beginning..."

  "The basic idea is..."

  "One way of looking at it is..."

  "Another way of looking at it is..."

  3. 如果一下子卡了壳,想不起来用英语怎么说:

  "I can't find the word I'm looking for..."

  "I'm not sure if this is the right word, but..."

  "What I want to say is…"



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