

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年06月30日 09:48  中国奥数网 

  一、 听力测试。

  A. 把你听到的那组字母或单词的序号写在题前括号内。(如把字母或单词写在括号内不扣分)(听两遍)(10%)

  (  )1. A. BD          B. DB          C. BP

  (  )2. A. HA          B. HK          C. KA

  (  )3. A. Il           B. lI           C. AI

  (  )4. A. CA          B. SC          C. AC

  (  )5. A. air          B. iar           C. alr

  (  )6. A. dad          B. bed           C. and

  (  )7. A. look         B. good          C. book

  (  )8. A. black        B. bike           C. bag

  (  )9. A. Lesson 2     B. Lesson 12       C. Lesson 20

  (  )10. A. Miss        B. nice           C. class

  B. 把你听到的句子的序号写在题前括号内。(听两遍)(5%)

  (  )1. A. What is this in English?

  B. What is that in English?

  C. What colour is it?

  (  )2. A. Good morning, class。

  B. Good afternoon, class。

  C. Good evening, class。

  (  )3. A. It's a brown and green toy. 

  B. It's a green and brown toy。

  C. It's a green and black toy。

  (  )4. A. Is that your English book?

  B. Is this your English book?

  C. Is this my English book?

  (  )5. A. Can you see a car?

  B. Can you spell "car"?

  C. Can you clean the car?


  ( )   ( )   ( )   ( )    ( )


  (  ) 1. A. Fine, thanks.      B. How are you?       C. Yes。

  (  ) 2. A. This is my pen.    B. It's a pen.          C. Yes, it is。

  (  ) 1. A. I'm fine, and you?  B. This is Lin Tao.    C. I'm Lin Tao. (  ) 1. A. It's my green chair.  B. It's orange.  C. It's nice.          (  ) 1. A. Yes, I can.        B. All right.          C. Yes, it is.     E。根据你听到的内容,完成对话,每格一词,缩略算一词。(听一遍)

  A: Look at the______, Li Lei。

  B: Oh, how nice!

  A: What's _______ in English?

  B: It's a_______。

  A: Is this ______?

  B: _________, it _______。

  A: Can you see that toy ________?

  B: Yes, I can。

  A:What ________is it?

  B: It's ________ and_________。


  A. 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(5%)

  1.   R     2.    J     3.   G     4.    c     5.   l

  B. 根据读音归类,把各类中所却缺少的字母填入表格。(只写大写形式)(5%)      

  A JK






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