

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年07月20日 23:39  中国奥数网 


  The process of solar eclipse

  The process of the solar eclipse can be divided into five phases, but only to have the entire process of Riquan Shi, and the partial eclipse on the Environment and Food is not potable both light and Health. Early losses: the sun and the moon, the first cut, just west of the sun-Cut east of the moon moment. Fresh both: the sun and the moon within the first cut, sun-moon has just been totally masking the moment. Very fresh: the sun and the moon Centre Centre at the smallest distance. - Health: the sun and the moon, the second cut, sun-exposed just west of the moon moment. - Round: the sun and the moon, the second cut, sun-moon has just completely left behind the moment. Early losses, both fresh, light and health-circular also called the first, second, third, fourth contact。

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