

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年08月10日 21:08  中国奥数网 

  be interested doing/to do

  interested to do   对做某事感兴趣,想了解某事。

  interested in doing  对某种想法感兴趣,doing 通常为想法。

  I shall be interested to know what happens. 我很想知道发生了什么事。 (想了解)

  I'm interested in working in Switzerland. Do you have any idea about that? 我对在瑞士工作感兴趣。你想过这事吗?  (一种想法)

  mean to doing/to do

  mean to do  打算、想

  mean doing 意味着

  I mean to go, but my father would not allow me to. 我想去,但是我父亲不肯让我去。

  To raise wage means increasing purchasing power. 赠加工资意味着增加购买力。

  begin(start) doing/to do

  begin / start to do sth

  begin / start doing sth。

  1) 谈及一项长期活动或开始一种习惯时,使用doing。

  How old were you when you first started playing the piano? 你几岁时开始弹钢琴?

  2) begin, start用进行时时,后面动词用不定式to do

  I was beginning to get angry. 我开始生起气来。

  3) 在attempt, intend, begin, start 后接know, understand, realize这类动词时,常用不定式to do。

  I begin to understand the truth. 我开始明白真相。

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