

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年08月11日 22:51  中国奥数网 

  1、 Do you know the boy _______ under the big tree?

  A. lay      B. lain     C. laying     D. lying          

  2. -What do you think of the book?

  -Oh, excellent. It’s worth ______ a second time。

  A. to read    B. to be read    C. reading    D. being reading    

  3. Go on _______ the other exercise after you have finished this one。

  A. to do     B. doing      C. with     D. to be doing        

  4. There was a terrible noise ______ the sudden burst of light。

  A. followed            B. following  

  C. to be followed        D. being followed               

  5. If it is fine tomorrow, we ______ a football match。

  A. have    B. will have    C. has     D. shall has        

  6. When he was at school, he ______ early and take a walk before breakfast。

  A. will rise   B. shall rise   C. should rise    D. would rise   

  7. In the past 30 years China ______ great advances in the socialist revolution and socialist construction。

  A. has made   B. have made   C. had made   D. having made     

  8. I ______ go to bed until I ______ finished my work。

  A. don’t/had   B. didn’t/have    C. didn’t/had    D. don’t/have    

  9. Mary is very late, she ______。

  A. may miss her train     B. may have missed her train 

  C. must miss her train     D. could miss her train                

  10. Most of the artists _______ to the party were from South Africa。

  A. invited             B. to invite    

  C. being invited        D. had been invited         

  11。“What did you do in the garden?”

  “I watched my father ______ his motorbike。”

  A. to repair    B. repaired    C. repairing    D. repairs        

  12. I don’t allow ______ in my office and I don’t allow my family ______ at all。

  A. to smoke…smoking    B. smoking…to smoke

  C. to smoke…to smoke    D. smoking…smoking              

  13. _____ more attention, the trees could have grown better。

  A. Given       B. To give      C. Giving     D. Having given 

  14. European football is played in 80 countries, _____ it the most popular sport in the world。

  A. making     B. make    C. made    D. to make

  15. The Olympic Games, ____ in 776 B. C., did not include women players until 1912。

  A. first playing          B. to be first played

  C. first played           D. to be first playing               

  16. He was a good runner so he ______ escape from the police。

  A. might   B. succeeded to   C. would    D. was able to      

  17. I hoped ______ my letter。

  A. her to answer   B. that she would answer 

  C. that she answers   D. her answering                     

  18. The dictionary _____ me fifty dollars。

  A. spent    B. paid     C. cost    D. costed        

  19. -I’m sorry for _______ in time。

  —That’s all right。

  A. getting it not done      B. not getting it done

  C. getting not it done      D. getting not to do it       

  20. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _______。

  A. not to     B. not to do       C. not do it       D. do not to   


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