

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年08月16日 22:53  中国奥数网 


  例;We hope your comany will soon be sending an engineer over to check this equipment. (将来进行时) 我们希望贵公司早些派一名工程师来检查这台设备。

  In a ffew minutes our passenger plane will be flying in the stratosphere. (将来进行时) 几分钟后我们的客机将在同温层中飞行。

  We hope scientists will be tapping new energy sources to meet the need for power. 我们希望科学家们将发掘新的能源来满足能量的需要。(将来进行时)

  What will you be doing this evening? 今晚你将做什么?(将来进行时)

  I have been living in Anshan Since 1980.(现在完成进行时) 1980年以来,我一直住在鞍山。

  How long have you been studying English? 你学英语多久了?(现在完成进行时)

  We have been waiting at the airport for the because of the thick fog. 由于大雾,我们已经在机场等了一整天了。 (现在完成进行时)

  Since then, applied mathematicians have been coping successfully with many problems in astronony. 从那时以来,应用数学家成功地处理了许多天文学上的问题。


  现、过进行be doing,被动be加being done

  即现在进行时或过去进行时都是be的人称、时和数的形式加doing。而被动态则是be加上being done的形式,being是不变的。现在进行时和过去进行时的被动态是被动态个的重点,容易搞错。例如:

  主动:The workers are repairing the main building of the Northeast Engineering Institute。

  被动:The main building of the Northeast Engineering Institute is being repaired by the workers。


  Two reservoirs are being built at the same time. 两座水库同时建造。

  The nasty question is being considered by the committee members. 委员会的委员们正在考虑那个棘手的问题。

  Equipment and foodstuffs are being flown to the floodstricken areas. 设备和食品正在空运到灾区。

  The buildong of another fly-over is being planned. 他们在计划修建另一座跨线桥。

  We coudld not get through because the February 19th Road was being repaired. 我们过不去,因二。一九路正维修呢。


  带情态动词和助动词等的被动态如何处理比较复杂。要随新的主语来变化,这些词如can, could;will, would; shall, should; may, might; must; ought to; need需要;have to不得不;be going to; to be to; used to; seem to; happen to等。例如:


  主动: We must keep this in mind。

  被动:This must be kept in mind。


  主动:We can put the refrigerator in that place. (refrigerator=freezer。)

  被动:The refrigerator can be put in that place。


  主动:We shall not use the washing machine again。

  被动:The washing machine will not be used again。

  我们不能再用那台洗衣机了。 原来的谓语shall use被动态中随新主语变为will。

  主动: We shall take more measures to prevent corrosion。

  被动: More measures will be taken to prevent corrosion. (shall变will)


  I ought to be criticized for it. 我应该为此受到批评。

  All this has to be solved with great care. 这一切得认真解决。

  The lobby is going to be rebuilt. 门厅将重建。

  The exhibition is to be opened tomorrow. 展览会将在明日开放。


  主动:We shall have to adopt a different attitude。

  被动:A different attitude will have to be adopted。


  主动:You are to leave the bag here。

  被动: The bag is to be left here. (are to随新主语变为is to)


  主动:They used to start these engines by hand。

  被动:These engines used to be started by hand。


  主动: We are going to paint the wall green。

  被动:The all is going to be painted green。


  主动:You needn't type this letter。

  被动:This letter need not be typed. (ought to, need是不变助动词)


  主动:John seems to like Mary very much。

  被动:Mary seems to be liked very much by John。


  主动:The boy happened to meet her in the street。

  被动:She happened to be met in the street by the boy。


  主动:It must have disappointed him terribly that people told him they didn't want him。

  被动:He must have been terribly disappointed to be told he was't wanted。


  主动:You should bear in mind that he wasn't present。

  被动: That he wasn't present should be borne in mind。

  或It should be borne in mind that he wasn't present。


  主动:You should have taken those books back to the library。

  被动:Those books should have been taken back to the library。


  主动:They may have left it in the sun。

  被动:It may have been left in the sun。


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