

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年08月25日 21:32  中国奥数网 

  Choose the best answer

  () 1. Who is your best friend?

  _____ best friend is Mike。

  A. I   B. My   C. Me

  () 2.____ is the sheep’s best friend。

  A. tiger B. lion    C. goat

  () 3. Which floor do you live on?

  I live on the ____ floor。

  A. five    B. fifth    C. 5

  () 4. How many floors are there in your building?

  There are ____ floors。

  A. 8       B. eighth    C 8th

  () 5.Shall I go home now?

  A. Yes, you shall   B. No, thanks     C. No, you can’t

  ()6. Shall we go to the zoo?

  A. Yes, we shall    B.OK, let’s go    C. It’s a zoo

  () 7.Would you like to go to the cinema with me?

  A. Yes, I like    B. Yes, I’ love some    C. Yes, I’d love to

  () 8.Would you like some pasta?

  A. Yes, I’d love some   B. Yes, I like    C.No, I don’t like

  () 9. Tom is hungry. He would like ______

  A. a cup of tea    B. some water   C. some burgers

  () 10. It’s hot outside. I would like to______

  A. go skating    B. put on a coat   C. go swimming

  4. Unscramble the sentences连词成句10%

  1). is  your  who  best   friend


  2). shall   we   park   to   go


  3). would  like   you   play    football   me    with


  4). Tom    the    floor    lives    on   9th


  5). I    riding   like   on    horse    a


  5. Answer the questions 根据你的实际回答下列问题

  1)Who is your best friend?


  2)Which floor do you live on


  3) Which floor does your best friend live on?


  4) Shall we go home now?


  5) Would you like to have a cup of tea?


  6. Ask questions 对划线部分提问

  1)Mr. Xu teaches Chinese in China。


  2) Tom watches TV every day。


  3) I go to school by car every day。


  4) I went to bed at 9:00 yesterday。


  5) Susan is from China。


  7. Read and answer 根据文章回答问题

  I live in a tall building. I go to school by car every day. After school I often play soccer with my friends. I live on the twelfth floor. May lives one storey(层)above(在…上方). We take a lift up and down. But today, there is something wrong with the lift. We have to use the stairs. We are all very tired。

  1) Where do I live?


  2) How do I go to school every day?


  3) Which floor do I live on?


  4) Which floor does May live on?


  5) Why do we have to use the stairs?

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