

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年06月07日 17:04  《小小留学生日记》 








  April 10, 2010

  Wellesley College

  “Ding。” The door bell rings. “Who comes so early in the morning?” I am wondering. I open the door and find it’s Rhea. Her family and mine will go shopping at Cosco and then go to Wellesley College together. It will be a fun trip. My mom and Rhea’s mom purchase lots of things from Cosco and now we come to Wellesley College together。

  I first get to know Wellesley is from its famous graduates such as Song Qingling, Song Meiling, Hillary and the extraordinary writer Bing Xin。

  Wellesley College, founded in 1870, has many differences with other Universities and Colleges, but we still like it with its own way. It is one of the most selective liberal arts colleges in the country. Wellesley is known for the excellence of its education, the beauty of its setting, its gifted faculty, and the uniqueness of its campus culture—the college is only for girls。

  Wellesley College is located in the classically New England town of Wellesley. This is a green school. The sheer sense of scale of the breathtaking natural environment (complete with two botanical gardens for both horticultural study and personal reflection) is more like a secret garden. Wellesley College is surrounded by trees, grass and flowers. There are wooden fence all around it. Thoughtfully sited, the buildings are not very high; they are old but very beautiful. Those buildings are like puzzles, and we can play hide and seek over there。

  Rhea and I like this college, and we like to play over there. The big lawn at the college makes us feel good。

  Rhea and I run over an old building and we find a big hill with grass where we discover a new place! “Come on, Rhea!” I run down the hill and shout. So Rhea runs, too. Sometimes we roll down the hill also. We are soon tired because of running up and down the hill. But lying on the grass and look up at the sky is an enjoyable thing to do as well. My clothes are dirty, but I feel I like this way. I can feel the sweet smell of grass. We sit on the grass and eat some snacks, all green nature foods. The dried bananas taste fantastic. On the other side of the building, I find a lake. The lake is quiet and clear, and it is like a big mirror. Everywhere is very quiet。

  I like Wellesley College. I like the quiet school yard, I like the big lawn and I like the old buildings. Different kinds of birds are jumping around on the grass. The squirrels get a lot of foods today. The dog likes to play on the grass, too. It is a very nice day visiting Wellesley College。

  “You can have fun here every day if you can go to school here,” my mom says. Hey, that’s the real reason why we come here. But, this college is really good。

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