

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年06月07日 17:08  《小小留学生日记》 








  April 05, 2010

  The exciting egg hunting adventure Today when I get home, I can’t find my Easter eggs anywhere. But I don’t feel angry or sad, because I know my mom has hidden them already and it’s now for me to find them all。

  I get my Easter basket and start to check out where all the eggs are. My house is pretty small, but that’s even harder for me to find the eggs because there are a lot of hiding places in my house. Everything is organized well that I can’t see anything when I’m standing in the room. The ten eggs are hidden in different places in my little bedroom。

  I carry the basket and run into the room. I even check the dresser, but I still can’t find any of the eggs。

  “Ah, I think I need to drink some water. Where’s my water bottle?” Then I find my water bottle inside the flower vase, and I see a colorful thing over there. Hey, it’s an orange egg! “Yeah, I finally find one egg!”

  “It’s only the easiest one,” my mom says and the adventure of egg hunting starts right how。

  I think it’ll take me whole life to find these eggs, but soon I find seven of them. “Keep going!” I say to myself。

  The last three are very hard to find. Suddenly I feel something hard at the bottom of my basket and I take out the grass to look. It’s a green egg, now I only have two more eggs left. Where are they going to be? It’s nine o’clock now, but I am not sleepy at all. I must find those two eggs today. Finally, I find one from the box where we use to put paper. And I only have one left now。

  “The last one is near the closet。” My mom gives me a hint. I rummage all over the closet and make it a bottom-up. The closet is out of order now, but I still can’t find the egg. I look up, but there’s only a lamp on the closet. I look through it and the egg is just over there! It is put in the place of bulb, and the bulb is moved away! What a creative idea!

  “Yeah, I succeed!” I shout. Wow, look, these eggs are all in the creepy places. Two in the flower vase, one under the coin bag, one between the two books, one in the snack box, one in my shoe, one in the paper box, one on the lamp, one in the basket and one in my mom’s boot。

  Wow, egg hunting is so fun!

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