

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年06月07日 17:12  《小小留学生日记》 








  March 26, 2010

  Students dress up, teachers dress down

  The rules of middle school are very strict. The teachers cannot wear casual clothes, and they have to dress up every day. But we kids love casual clothes and luckily we get to wear them every day。

  It is the opposite way today, because all of us the students have to dress up and the teachers can dress down today! Some of us don’t like to dress up but this is interesting so we all come with shirts, suits, ties and dresses today. And I see Ms. Benson wearing casual clothes for the first time. It is very fun on this day and I feel like I am an adult that I can control everything in the world!

  I walk in the hallway of the school and find everyone looking weird. “Good morning, Charles,” Ms. Benson says. She is wearing a sweatshirt. “Good morning, ma’am。” Charles takes off his black high hat and bows as if he is an adult. Ms. Rayner is wearing a shirt and the light blue jeans, wow, she looks just like the cowboys! The teachers look younger than any time today. Ben wears a white shirt plus a black suit with a black tie. When Ms. Benson sees him, she also pretends that Ben is a real big man. “Hello, gentleman。” “Hello, lady,” Ben answers, looks primly and properly。

  The girls are even funnier. They have been preparing for this day for a while. Look at Sophia, Alexis and Maddie. They are wearing the same black and white dress and the white long stockings. Even the Tomboy Audrey wears a brown and green dress today. Gabbi still seems like a little girl. But she tries to be like an adult. When she does something wrong, she raises her skirt, bows and uses the British accent says, “A thousand apologies to you ma’am。” We all laughed。

  Everyone likes this dress up day and I think it’s very good as well. Because it makes the teachers feeling younger and will have more energy working. The teachers can take a rest from the busy working year. On the other hand, the children will feel like we’re adults and will feel the grave responsibility on our shoulders so we will concentrate on our school works and homework. We can finally feel how tired being an adult is。

  The dress up day is over. I like it very much, but I’m also tired today of being an adult. Oh, what a fun day!

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