

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年06月07日 17:15  《小小留学生日记》 







  March 15, 2010

  The concert of our band

  My mom said practicing instruments was very good for my manner, thus I attended the band of Chenery and played flute since I had learned bamboo flute in China. Chenery was famous for its music. We regularly had music class on Saturday morning. In the first hour, we took class from teachers and instructors, who were actually higher graders. And in the second hour, we should play in the band. We have had rehearsal several times for today’s concert。

  I really had made a great progress that only in half of the year I had already come into the advanced group from beginner level, and I had already played in two concerts in this semester. After dinner, I had another concert at my school. There were also chorus, orchestra and many smaller kids having concerts, too. It was an exciting thing but also very hard to prepare and do a good job on it。

  It had been raining heavily all the time for the last three days while the weather was getting colder and colder. After dinner, there was even an ice storm! This was my first time seeing ice storms. The wind was blowing hard from the north and it got even chillier this time at night. But we still had a concert this night and we had to dress up for it。

  Wearing a dress in a rainy winter day was super cold. But the interests of going to the concert stopped us feeling cold. Everyone was practicing their instruments carefully. I thought they were good enough although we only practiced that music for less than two months! We were all very excited but a little bit nervous for the concert. For me, I had another reason. The instrumental music class would end after today and I could only see Mrs. McClellan for the last time today. So I would try my best to do a good job on the concert. I read the score in my mind over and over again with my fingers moving as the beats and notes。

  When the concert started, we had an audience of about one hundred people there. We tried our best. The sound of trombone and tuba were large and low, sort of like bass. They were played with the low drums。

  After they played, oboe and flute were played happily and quietly with the beautiful sound of percussion. Sometimes low, and sometimes high. We were playing with joy, and music kindled our passions. And we worked together nicely. The concert was well done. Outstanding!

  The adults always said the music can mould our temperaments, and it can let us be skilled on thinking for the right choices of life. Now I found that music was also fun becasue it can make somebody fall into it and try hard to do it good. And that was how we thought about the concert, and it was well done!

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