

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年06月07日 19:13  《小小留学生日记》 





  March 2, 2010

  The big MCAS was coming this month, so scary but happy!

  Everything was fun here in the United States, but except the MCAS. It’s a test that we should all take because we all live in Massachusetts。

  We will have language and arts test, math test and science test. Those tests are coming up in this month and May. MCAS is very important for us that every kid in elementary school and middle school would take them. Because the score of MCAS is important for every one of us to get into a good middle school, even high school. Everyone is busy and reviewing for the tests. We think that this is the most awful time in the year since we would be taking tests all day long。

  But teachers didn’t think the way as we did. On Chorus class, Mr。

  Eldridge said, “It’s finally March. I love this month。” “What?” We were  surprised because we hated March so much. “Because I don’t have to work for almost a month!” Aye, and we started the busy studying day. Social studies, languages and arts were the big problems for me. I hated them and I was awful on them. So it was hard for me for the first half of the day. In the afternoon we had math class. That was the class that nobody liked, even Mr. Max (math). But for me, the math was easy in the United States so I liked it, especially for a Chinese kid like me. We played a math game with flash cards. Two people were racing with each other, trying to solve the math problem faster than the other person. I liked this game. The boys would call you “human calculator” if you could win five people in a roll. I did very well and had already won four people. The next one was Ellie. Ms. Benson asked the question, “Eleven divided by one。” “Eleven?” Ellie didn’t hear it。

  “Congratulations, Ellie, you got it!” She was right! Yuck, I was almost a human calculator!

  Later, there were many people became the “only one step to human calculator”, but there were no real human calculators in our class. But the game was really fun, while we were playing the fun game, we also learned many things. And nobody believed those fun stuff were for the boring MCAS. The game was over; the class was over, too. And we are very confident to face the MCAS now!

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