

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年06月07日 19:16  《小小留学生日记》 






  February 29, 2010

  A weird Spanish class

  Ah, it was so hard for me to get up this morning, because I had a habit of getting up late and today was the first day of school after February vacation. I hate Sunday, because the next day will be school day, Monday。

  Everything was boring like usual, and we did the same thing every week: math class, music, writing, then having lunch, science. After a short recess, there was social studies. And now we came to the last class of the day—Spanish class. I liked Spanish very much because it was very easy and it was fun sometimes. For example the class today was very special and it was fun。

  The class began. “Hola, boys and girls!” Ms. Sanchez, our Spanish teacher said. She was holding some boards and a hand full of pencils. When we were just about to get our binders, Ms. Sanchez stopped us. “Wait, you guys, today you only need to take these pencils and boards with you, and we are not having the class at in this classroom…” We cut Ms. Sanchez off in the middle of her talking. “We’re not having the class at the classroom? What are we goanna do today?” We were so anxious and curious about today’s work。

  “We are going to explore the school and write down our discoveries all in Spanish,” Ms. Sanchez continued。

  “A discovery? All in Spanish?” We didn’t believe it. We got to choose a number to see who your partners were. I was number four and I was in the group with Grace and Rhea. We got our boards and were ready to explore up and down, in and out the school! We had just learned about numbers in Spanish so today we were going to check out the numbers of school-used-tools in Chenery。

  But the discovery was not so easy. The school was so big, and what should we do? Rhea was the one who had many thoughts. She was always full of wicked ideas. “Let’s go to the cafeteria first,” Rhea suggested. “What?” Grace and I didn’t understand, but we still followed her. There, I saw many teachers from ChenEx, they were cleaning the cafeteria。

  “So, how many desks are there?” Rhea pretended to ask us. “There are eight in the back and four in the front,” James answered. “Then how many water fountains are there?” “Two,” Brandon answered. “How many restrooms are there?” “Four, wait, it’s for you guys, and I’m not doing it,” Brandon said. So we discovered some by ourselves and we traded answers with other groups。

  We got the first place. Learning language was pretty fun!

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