

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年06月07日 19:20  《小小留学生日记》 






  February 21, 2010

  Dragon Parade and Lion Dancing

  The Chinese New Year is coming! Today my mom, Kimberly, Sarah, May and I went to Chinatown to celebrate the Chinese New Year and watch lion dancing, which were regular activities during the new year season in Chinatown. When we were waiting at the bus stop, a person came to us and asked us if we were Chinese. When we answered yes in surprise, he clapped his hands and shouted, “Cheers, Chinese, happy Chinese New Year!”Ha, there are more and more Americans interested in Chinese culture!

  We talked all the way to Chinatown until we heard a sound of dragon dance from far away. To my surprise, it was really crowded with all kinds of people, not only Chinese. Look, this must be the most interesting Chinese New Year I’ve celebrated. People were playing drums, acting out dragon parade and lion dancing everywhere in Chinatown. Oh, I couldn’t believe I watched the dragon dance for the first time, and it was in the United States. We walked along the streets and the most interesting one was an American group, and all  members were white and black people!

  “Look, why do they put cabbages and oranges in front of their stores?”Kimberly asked with lots of interests。

  I looked at the stores. Yeah, a cabbage, two oranges and a red pocket were set in front of the store door. I went on with the crowd. Look!

  The dragon dance had begun. I saw the dragon throwing the cabbage and the two oranges into the sky. All the people rushed in trying to get them. Luckily I got one of the oranges. Finally I found there was an red envelope beneath the cabbage and orange! The dragon only kept the red envelope to itself! They could get a red envelope at every store they went by. Certainly they had to dance hard to make the store owner happy. On the other hand, the owner got the good blessing from the Lion. “Oh, it must be their lucky money for the year,” I thought. The dragon put the pocket in its mouth and bowed to us for thanks. Sometimes the dragon danced for a long time with the loud fireworks. I was so happy that I sang and jumped with the crowd and the music。

  Chinese New Year was a traditional Chinese holiday. How fun the Chinese New Year was. I wished everyday was Chinese New Year。

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