

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年06月07日 19:23  《小小留学生日记》 






  February 17, 2010

  February vacation, volunteer at the church

  It’s February vacation now. I finished all of my homework and had nothing to do on the vacation. I thought I would be home alone again because of my mom had to work. But luckily it was a Wednesday, my mom needed to go to the church at the women’s club of the church to make toys and things for some orphans. Actually she volunteered to do something for them. “Yeah, I don’t need to eat chili pastes with rice again!” I thought。

  Soon, we arrived at the church. Janet led us to the women’s room and I saw everyone was working. Some people were making dolls for the orphans, some were cutting the parts of the cards and to put them on the Christmas trees of next year, others were sewing hair and clothes for the dolls or collecting the stamps from the letters which were written by people all over the world. I loved collections, especially  I quickly got a handfull of letter bags and cut them right at the sides of the stamps. When I showed my mom my work, she shook her head unexpectedly and said, “It’s not right; you should leave some paper beside. And also, when there are many stamps together, you should cut them off together. Oh, by the way, remember to cut them straight。” Wow, so many skills needed on cutting stamps. Hey, my mom was putting different kinds of stamps in different places. I used the scissors and cut the stamps carefully. Soon my hands were tired because the scissors were too big. Aye, I looked around; everyone was skilled at doing these works except me。

  On the other hand, there were also lots of fun in cutting stamps. When I found some good ones, I always would put them in a bag and bring them home for my collection. And I found many special stamps。

  Look, it was a set of cartoon stamps, and here were the stamps from more than ten states of America. I learned a lot from the stamps as well. I also found some interesting post cards, for example, there was one that was from the 1920s. And look, the colors and patterns of this one were all made of different kinds of leaves。

  How was the vacation at the church? it's good for sure, “See you next  Wednesday, guys!”

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