

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年06月07日 19:26  《小小留学生日记》 


  男孩子们戴着各种不同风格的帽子,女孩子们的风格虽然和男孩子的不一样,但它们都既可笑又有趣。走进教室,我只看见同学们头顶上那些五颜六色的帽子,而看不见人了。嘿,看看乔西和他的双胞胎妹妹莎拉,他们带着一对帽子,乔西戴着一个热狗帽子而莎拉带着一个汉堡帽子,这让我想起了午餐!我好饿呀!梅西有一个时髦的鸭舌帽,她很喜欢那些流行歌曲和舞蹈。现在来的是那个热爱运动的女孩麦蒂. 她喜欢任何体育运动,她是一个棒极了的曲棍球队员。看她今天戴着什么?“哈哈!”我们都为她那“帽子”哄地笑开了。原来那是一个巨大的曲棍球袜子,我们止不住大笑。我感受到了帽子日的乐趣,这本来是一个平常的日子,但是在我们学校这是一个特殊的日子,就像万圣节一样。想到这儿,我忽然感觉梅西就是个流行歌手,乔西像个汉堡包,而那些男孩子们就是那圆滚滚的棒球。当我想到这些时,



  February 3, 2010

  Hat day

  Today was a special day—hat day. That meant everyone would wear a hat to school today. I wore my sport hat and I thought it would be the best of all. But actually I found other people had other interesting hats on. When I had just stepped into the school, I first saw the boys all wearing sport hats, with the logo of the baseball teams on: Boston Red Sox, New York Yankees…… Except that boy in sixth grade who was wearing a hat with pony tails on, that made him looking like a girl, so funny! Boys wore many styles of hats but girls wore different styles from the boys. They were all funny and interesting。

  When I got into the classroom, I could only see the colorful hats on our heads. Hey, look at Josh and his twin sister Sarah! They had a pair of hats on. Josh wore a hotdog hat and Sarah wore a hamburger hat, that made me thinking about lunch. I was made hungry…Mazy had a stylish peaked cap, who loved those fashionable songs and dances. Now came the sporty girl Maddie B. who loved any kinds of sports. She was an excellent hockey player. I was curious about how she would look like with her hat today? Oh “Ha-ha” we all laughed at her “hat”—a big hockey sock. We couldn’t stop laughing. I felt the happiness of hat day; this was only a normal day but in my school, it was a special day, a day like Halloween. I suddenly felt that it seemd Josh was a hamburger, Mazy was a fashion song singer and the boys were baseballs. When I thought about this, I couldn’t stop laughing。

  It was just a normal school day and also a special day—hat day. This day gave so much pleasure to all of us, and made us exquisitely enjoy our time。

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