

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年06月07日 19:32  《小小留学生日记》 

  今年的课外活动开始了!我很激动,因为我参加了木工课,我是那么喜欢它,并且一直期盼着这一天。在俱乐部吃完点心后,我和爱玛就去上木工课了, 而瑞亚则去上她的面包制作课(烹饪课)。我们都激动不已。





  January 18, 2010

  Wood working

  The after school programs of this year had started! I felt very excited because I was in the wood working class. I liked it very much and was looking forward to what we do on the class. Today at ChenEx after snack I went to wood working with Emma, while Rhea went to baking. We were all very excited。

  “I’ll make two bread and bring some you guys,” Rhea said. “And we’ll make a toy with wood for you,”Emma and I said。

  “We will make a trebuchet on the wood, working classes this year,” Mr. Dyer said, who was the wood working teacher. First, we went to the computer room and searched the trebuchet, and then we drew it on  the paper. And now it was time to cut. The cutting part was so hard that I was soon in sweat. “Two more pieces, then I’ll finish。” Finally I was almost done。

  But two pieces were not that easy. I could only cut one piece in five minutes, so two pieces cost me ten minutes. My arms were tired after finishing that. And I still had to cut angles, but I’d never use the cutter before. It turned over and over so fast, and a wood was cut into two pieces in a second. Mr. Dyler could cut a piece in five seconds because he had his own large size cutter, which we were all very envy of. The boys had already finished cutting in the last class and they started building the woods. I felt so anxious when I saw them. I had to keep on working hard! But using Emma’s word, every time I cut, it sounded like killing a chicken。

  I really needed Mr. Dyer’s help. And so did others. But everyone had no time to waste. “Mr. Dyler, can you help me to cut this piece off?” I asked when he took a rest. “And can you help me to cut these eight angles off?” My woods were too short so the angles were very sharp, so the machines couldn’t cut them. “You got a cut them yourself, I am very busy…” “Mr. Dyler, the nail is stuck in the wood!” Chris yelled. Oh my god, seemed like I had to cut it myself。

  Finally my works were all done although my woods looked like pieces of cactus. They were crankled and were not flat. But whatever, these were all done by myself. I still felt proud of myself。

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