

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年06月07日 19:36  《小小留学生日记》 



  现在是中午,是吃午餐的时间了,我的工作也该开始了。 我打开冰箱,哇!白菜、水果、肉,这么多美味佳肴。我恨不得现在就把它们消灭,因为我实在太饿了。但是,我不知道怎么做饭。终于我发现了一些速冻小汤圆,我高兴得像一只骆驼忽然在沙漠中找到了水。




  January 16, 2010

  A home alone day—eating rice dumplings

  “Mom, what time is it now?” I didn’t want to get up even though the sun was shining on my body already. “Mom?” I asked again, there was no answer. I looked around. It was very quiet and dark in the room and I couldn’t find my mom anywhere. Suddenly the wind blew to my room and a script fell off from the door. I looked at it curiously and finally came to realize that my mom had gone to work and she wouldn’t be back until evening. I was in holiday while my mom had to work. That was why I was home alone today. That meant I have to make breakfast and lunch all by myself. I’ve never cooked before so I was nervous but excited too。

  Breakfast was on the table already for me. I ate my breakfast slowly in great relax, and then I studied and played. Several hours passed, I got hungry and heard my stomach shouting. I looked at the watch and it was twelve thirty already. Time went by so fast and it wouldn’t come back again. It was noon, lunch time now. I should have to start my work! I opened the fridge. Wow, cabbages, fruits, meat, so many delicious foods were there. I wanted to eat them right now because I couldn’t tell how hungry I was. But, I didn’t know how to cook them。

  Finally I saw the frozen rice dumplings. I was so happy like a camel finally found some water in the desert。

  I started to cook my first lunch by myself quickly. First of all I should boil the water, it looked easy but it was actually very hard for me. I turned the oven button hard, but there was no fire. I turned it again and again. Finally the fire came out and began to boil water. I finally could go to my room for games. I was playing happily when I heard a loud voice of something bumping hard “Tope, tope……” My heart almost bumped out. I ran to the kitchen and turned the fire off. Now it was time to put the rice dumplings into the boiler!

  I remembered that my mom said the rice balls should be put into the boiled water and they would float up quickly, so I copied that. I put the whole bag of rice balls into the boiled water and got them up soon after I put them down. “Splash”, the rice ball made a loud sound and scared me. I couldn’t wait to taste one, EW! Gross! They were still tough! I would’ve thrown them away but I must eat them, otherwise I would be hungry all the day. These were done by me!!The reason was that I got them out before they were floating on the water, and that meant they were still raw!

  It was my first cooking experience in my life. I knew how hard my mom worked to cook for me everyday through it although it was not successful. I should study harder so that my mom would work in joy。

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