

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年06月07日 19:45  《小小留学生日记》 






  January 8, 2010

  The Chinese class

  In Chenery we would take four languages a year—Latin, Chinese, Spanish and French. I had taught my classmates a lot of Chinese, but today we would have our first Chinese class with Mr. Ling. How exciting! Because Mr. Ling could make us have lots of interest on Chinese. He turned the class into a drama or an impro。

  We brought our language binder to the language classroom. Mr. Ling was standing by the door when we came in. He said “Nihao!” to us. And we said it back to him. Today our principal Ms. Alexander was here watching our class too. Everybody wanted to do well on this class in  such situation. Mr. Ling said hello to us and introduced himself to us again. Although we didn’t know what he meant, we still said back to him. Mr. Ling walked upon and hit Ellie’s shoulder intentionally, “Oops, duibuqi。” “Huh?” Ellie was confused. Then Mr. Ling told us what it meant and we remembered this word forever. And he always let us practicing it as a conversation of two pandas。

  On Chinese class, we learned family members, numbers, foods and drinks as well. And we liked foods and drink the best. And we always made lots of jokes on them. There were some Chinese fans in my class such as Gabbi and Paul. And they loved to show off their Chinese。

  Later on the class, we had a mini dinner together and we had to speak Chinese all the time; it’s another impro. “What would you like to have, gentleman?” Ciara asked. “Two Cola, one rice please,”John said. Rhea and I liked to watch them talking very much and we really enjoyed such easy and happy situation. “I want some hamburgers,” Gabbi said with extremely pure Chinese. Gabbie felt very proud of herself。“Hamburger, hamburger, French fries, chicken wings and hamburger。” “Ha ha。” We all laughed. Josh tried hard to use his chopsticks, and pick up the sponges (foods) in the plates. When Rhea and I saw this, we shook forwards and backwards with laughter。

  “Where is Yalikesi?” Mr. Ling said. Oh, he was giving us our Chinese name. This should be the most exciting experience ever. Alex heard the name, and looked at Ellie. “Go, Ellie, it’s you。” “What? It’s you Alex。” “Oh。” Then Alex went to get his name card happily. “Mary Kate, what’s your Chinese name?” I asked. “Oh, my name is awesome. Plum is my surname, and victoriy is my first name。” For the whole week we were talking about these names。

  “Okay, Zaijian guys,” Mr. Ling said. And the Chinese class was over. I like Chinese class。

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