

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年06月07日 19:54  《小小留学生日记》 



  今天我们要去做一件令人高兴的事——砍圣诞树! 今天我们就去砍它了,哦,我是多么开心呀!我们开了很久的车才到了一片山林中,我跑下山坡,等不及去找到一棵属于我自己的圣诞树。我不管狂风钻进我的衣领,也不管雪慢慢地悄悄地飘落到我的脸上。我使劲地呼吸着冬天那清新的空气,我站在雪里,让雪埋住我的双脚。我准备好砍圣诞树了,万事俱备,只欠东风!

  “要苹果汁吗?”我随着苹果汁的香味来到了一个小木屋。屋子很小但是很温暖,在圣诞歌声中,一个老爷爷递给我一杯热腾腾的苹果汁。真香呀! 在这个下雪天,一杯热腾腾的苹果汁温暖着我。一辆大卡车缓缓地在雪中驶来,我迫不及待地跳上了卡车。卡车带着我们慢慢地来到圣诞树丛林。雪下得很大,我不一会儿就变成了雪人。这里有砍圣诞树成百上千棵圣诞树在丛林中,让我看得眼花缭乱。妈妈走在浅浅的雪上而我却在深深的雪中漫步,我爱这种来自大自然的感觉。大的和小的,高的和矮的,我在密密麻麻的圣诞树中徘徊,想要找到一棵让我心满意足的。我向东转去,向着天空太阳闪耀的方向,我惊喜地发现了一棵完美的圣诞树,就在那个角落里。它的树干又粗又强壮,树叶是墨绿色的,一阵风掠过,小树迎着风和雪摇摆着,仿佛在对我说,“快来把你想要的拿走吧!”是的,没有任何圣诞树比它更好了。


  回来时我们小心翼翼地将圣诞树放在车顶上。到家了,我们把它放在了客厅中央最显眼的地方,然后大家一起装饰这棵圣诞树,有闪光灯还有其他可爱的装饰品。就在这时,音乐响起了,“Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way……”我们度过了一个愉快的下午。


  December 12, 2009

  Christmas tree cutting

  Christmas is coming in two weeks! What exciting news! Christmas season have started two weeks ago and people have started to decorate their houses. I am so excited because it is my first Christmas in US。

  You know, in US, the Christmas tree is real instead of the man-made one! From the beginning of December, people usually go to the store to purchase an appropriate tree according to their houses’ size and space。

  The Christmas tree could be one in the shape of cone such as pine and fir. Certainly, some people would love to cut their favorite ones by  themselves. I am one of them. Today we go to an exciting activity—Christmas tree cutting! We would cut it today, oh, how happy I am! We drive a long way to the hill. I run down the slope because I couldn’t wait to find my own Christmas tree. I don’t care about the strong wind blowing into my sweater; neither do I care about the snow slowly and quietly flew down to my face. I breathe hard the fresh air of winter; I stand in the snow and let the snow covering up my feet. Now I am ready for Christmas tree cutting!

  “Want an apple cider?”I follow the nice smell of apple cider to a little cottage, which is small but warm, where I hear the sound of Christmas song, and an old man gives me a cup of hot apple cider. It smells so good!

  In the snowy day, a cup of hot apple cider warmed up my whole body. A big truck is driving here slowly through the snow. I am too impatient to wait and jump on the truck. The truck carries us slowly to the Christmas tree field. It is snowing so hard that I change into a snowman in a few minutes. In the Christmas tree field there are hundreds of Christmas trees. I am dazzled of looking at so many Christmas trees. My mom walks on the shallow snow while I walk on the deep snow since I love the nature feeling. Big trees and small trees, tall trees and short trees, I am wandering among the Christmas trees, trying to find one that could make me satisfied. I turn to the east where the sun is shining in the sky. And suddenly to my surprise, I find a perfect Christmas tree in the corner. Its branches are wide and strong, with the dark green leaves, wind is blowing on it. He is shaking with the wind and the snow as if he is waving to me and says, “Come and get the one you want!” Yeah, I can’t find any trees better than that。

  “Wow, an awesome tree, nice job。” The old man slightly touches his white beard, smiles and cuts down this pretty tree。

  On the way back we put the tree on the top of the car carefully. At home, we put it in the center of the living room and together we decorate it with twinkling bells and other cute decorations. Just then, starting the music “Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way……”we have a wonderful afternoon。

  After that I have visited many people’s houses and seen lots of Christmas trees but the best of all is still mine. Maybe that old man were Santa; maybe this were one of my Christmas presents…

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